Marcela Brožová
teaching – concerts – weddings

"The joy with ukulele, joy from playing."
Playing the ukulele has been popular for many years now, and no wonder. It is a small, light and beautiful instrument which can be played even by little children.
The word ukulele is sometimes translated as "the gift that was given to us"! Let's accept this gift and enjoy together the pleasure, that the ukulele brings us. :-)
And what does "Ukulelistka" mean? It is simpley czech word and mean "she ukulelist".
I offer eductaional courses and concert appearances for various cultural events, even company events and weddings.
Upcoming events
Individual lessons in Prague or online and workshops. From the basics and for the more advanced player. Counselling.
Jazz and latino music at your company, club, celebration, vernissage and festival.
Own equipment available.
Ukulele for wedding
Your most beautiful day accompaied by the ukulele.
During the ceremony or celebration.